The weakness of our project was the voice thread because our voices can not be heard so we had to talk about the pictures as i said it in the previous Question and the strengths that we showed is our animoto and when we talked to the class and tell them why did we put these pictures and how dose the technology helps learning in the class room.
Our work could be improved by talking more in the voice thread and keep our voices loud take pictures by camera not from the internet because the internet shows what website did you take it from and the internet picture comes blurry and when you take a picture from the camra it shows that it was taken by a camera because it shows if it from a camera and if it is from the internet.
I would love to recommend this unit for the people who comes from Grade 5 because it is fun typing and putting pictures in animoto and at the same time they would be learning about new technology like animoto and voice thread and maybe inspiration too but believe me you would have to work really really hard because you only have 1 month when it is due.